Get started with one of our signature workshop packs

  • Core Tools & Activities

  • Bestselling Book workshops

  • Famous Frameworks & Models

Core Tools & Activities

This is your entry level set of workshop tools organized by category.

Your purchase includes everything you need to run the workshop including the slides and supporting materials ready for you to apply your corporate branding and style.

Reflective/Evaluative Processes

Team Review Workshop

What are we doing well?.

Build a shared understanding within a team about what’s working well, areas for improvement & opportunity.

After Action Review

What can actually happen? what can we learn? what are the differences?.

A simple and effective way to create a project report using action planning and issue analysis.


Think Feel Say Do

Four squares with the words thinking, feeling, saving, and doing.

This activity helps a team achieve consensus around a new vision of the future.

Strategic Planning

Balanced Scorecard

A diagram showing the steps of a business plan.

This activity establishes the most useful measures / KPIs by which to monitor your teams’s progress and performance against strategic goals..

Conflict Management

Thomas Kilmann Instrument Workshop

A visual representation illustrating the four stages of a project using the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument.

The Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument is a conflict management workshop based on a model of conflict modes, which allows you to analyse individual styles in particular situations.



Stop team from doing things they hate.

A workshop process to help your team stop doing the things they hate by identifying and setting anti-goals.


Setting micro goals.

A workshop to help your team set and focus on easy tasks that move them closer to their main objective.

Stakeholder Management

Stakeholder Mapping

A diagram of a relationship between a person and a group of people.

Stakeholder Mapping is a graphical illustration of how your stakeholders feel towards your change project or program.


Creative Problem Solving

A diagram illustrating the creative stages of problem solving.

A suite of 5 tools that take you and your participants through an efficient creative problem solving process.

Problem-Solving Team Building (PSTB)

A diagram showing the steps of a project.

A 30-45 minute activity where the problem ‘owner’ goes through a structured process with a team to achieve a plausible solution to their issue.

Idea Generation


Brainstorming Process

A structured process to capture a group’s ideas. It helps you and your team generate wide-ranging ideas on any subject or topic.

How Wow Now

A quadrant showcasing creative problem solving through red, yellow, blue, and green elements.

A simple workshop to help your team find breakthrough ideas that skyrocket team and business results.

Process Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping

A customer journey diagram illustrating the service process.

Create a visual map of the key events, touch points, and activities a customer receives from your organization.


Brown Paper Planning

A project plan template visualizing the phases of a project.

An activity that helps you capture roles, a timeline and activities shown in “swim lanes”. It also highlights milestones, activities, interfaces, decision points and deliverables.

Time Management

Day In The Life Of (DILO)

A diagram of a pie chart showing the different parts of a business.

An activity that  helps you analyze work-life balance & role effectiveness.

Root Cause Analysis

Fishbone Diagram

A fishbone diagram displaying various types of training.

The Fishbone Diagram (sometimes called the Ishikawa diagram) is used to identify and list all the factors that are conditioning a problem at hand.

Five Whys

A flowchart illustrating the stages of a project using the 5 whys technique.

5 Whys is a root cause analysis tool for helping teams quickly get to the causes of an issue before developing solutions.

Change Management

Force-Field Analysis

A diagram showing the difference between a change and a reversal.

Force-field analysis helps you to understand the balance of driving forces and restraining forces in respect of a particular change.


Options Framework

A cost table for a construction project, showcasing various options within the framework.

The Options Framework gives you a preferred way forward, a more ambitious solution, and a conservative solution plus the narrative behind your journey that can be explained to a board or steering committee.


Develop & Test New Ideas

How to develop and test new ideas.

This is a rapid prototyping technique is based on Google's design sprint process created by the team at Google Ventures.

Collaborative Facilitation

Fishbowl Discussion

A fishbowl discussion with a group of people standing around a blue circle.

A Fishbowl Discussion is an inner group of participants going through a decision making process that is ‘witnessed’ by a larger group standing behind who have the opportunity for input and questioning.

World Cafe

A world cafe style table setting captured in a classic black and white photograph.

The World Cafe is a popular workshop activity for engaging your participants in conversations that matter to them.

Performance Management

Skill Will Matrix

High, low, low, high, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low,.

An activity you can use with leadership and management teams to help them think through their strategy for bringing key stakeholders into line with their objectives.

Continuous Improvement

Start Stop Improve

Three easels with the words start, stop, and improve.

An activity to help your team identify areas for improvement and learn from successes and failures.

Role Clarification

Team Role Development

A paper facilitating team role development with a grid of squares on it.

An activity to help identify synergies between different roles within a team or between multiple departments.

Roles & Responsibilities

A diagram illustrating the roles and responsibilities of a project management plan.

An activity to help your team document roles & responsibilities of those involved in a project.

Strategic Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Four squares with the words strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

A framework for structuring the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of an organization or idea. 

Team Building Games

Prisoner’s Dilemma

Group b plays a prisoner's dilemma game with red, blue, and yellow choices.

Prisoner’s Dilemma is a game which demonstrates whether people display win-win (co-operative) or win-lose orientation (selfish competitive) in a situation which offers the possibility of both.

Trading Game

A diagram illustrating the various sizes of triangles for a trading game.

The Trading Game is a team building workshop that simulates the negotiating activities that may need to take place between different departments or organizations in the setting up of joint ventures.

Build a Bridge

A isometric illustration of a bridge.

Build a Bridge is a game where set groups the task of building sturdy bridges from the materials you provide and then watch how they work together.


Prioritization Matrix

Matrix chart categorizing tasks by impact and do-ability with tasks plotted as colored squares.

The Prioritization Matrix compares the relative merits of alternative actions visually by helping you shortlist and prioritize a large number of items, ideas, opportunities or solutions.

Roles & Responsibilities

RACI matrix

RACI Matrix - Step 5

A RACI matrix is a grid of activities mapped against the responsible, accountable, consulted and informed stakeholders. It creates clarity across roles.

Team Role Development

A paper with a grid of squares on it.

An activity to help identify synergies between different roles within a team or between multiple departments.

Values Exploration

Personal Values & Motivators Workshop

Personal Values & Motivators Workshop

This workshop helps your team understand themselves better, identifies their values and motivators, and creates a concrete action plan.


Whose Line Is It Anyway

An energetic red curtain with a microphone and the words stand up comedy.

A quick icebreaker/energizer that requires attention, listening skills and quick responses from your participants.

How Well Do We Know Each Other

A fun icebreaker picture showcasing a tennis ball and its representation on paper.

An informal icebreaker that gets a group working together very quickly. Non-threatening and undemanding – ideal for the reticent as well as the assertive.

Equilateral Triangles Collaboration

Collaborative exercise involving equilateral triangles.

A conference icebreaker that highlights how large self-organizing groups can successfully collaborate without the need for stringent rules, regulations and leadership.

Workshop Closing

How To Finish Any Workshop

What went well, even if it didn't.

A 3-step process you can add to the end of any workshop to embed learning and get the feedback you need to be even better next time.

Who What When

A worksheet with the words actions, what, when, and where.

An activity to help create an action plan at the end of any workshop or meeting.

Rebecca Booker

Group Training Manager

Just thought I’d let you know that I have used the relationship triangle and the team evolution curve this week in my workshops with a private home care company, and oh my goodness it went so well. They LOVED it and so did I. It worked brilliantly and I’ve been asked back for another two days!!

I’m sure I would not have been able to have the impact I did without these two invaluable tools and just wanted to say I’m so glad I joined the WorkshopBank. I can’t wait to test out more of the resources!!

Barbara Walsh

Barbara Walsh

Master Executive and Systemic Leadership Team Coach

Before joining I used to spend hours searching for exactly the right activity to enhance the learning of the various teams I work with. Being a member means I have access to an amazing set of tools and activities - there is something to fit almost any purpose here! The biggest benefit for me is in having such a large resource of tools, all categorized and easy to find, on one platform.

Craig Bryan

Certified Leadership Coach, Behavior Consultant

Your material is clean, simple to follow, relevant, and well-laid out. It is hard to find plug-and-play content that is useful and easy to integrate into virtually any program. Great job Workshop Bank!

NJ Miller

NJ Miler

Certified Health Coach

I've truly found WorkshopBank to be of great value. The activities / workshops we've done with our offices have been great. It got to the point that they couldn't wait for the next seminar to see what I had up my sleeve for them. Thank you for all your help.

Rebecca Southern

Senior HR Partner

Your products give access to ready made tools that have been tried and tested, cover a wide variety of topics, are done in an engaging way and there is an added bonus that you follow up and send me new material……. Which enables be to learn new approaches.

Lore Lapinsky

Lore Lapinsky

Organization Development Director

Sometimes the time constraints are tight, and I need a wonderful activity, and quite frankly, don’t have the time to create that AND build-out the Learning / Training components. Your excellent materials help me a lot.

Penelope Barr

Penelope Barr

Senior Technology Manager

The great thing about what you've done is put all these techniques in one place & curated them by topic, outcome & time. It's really helpful - thank you.

Clint Reece

Clint Reece

Project Director

Before joining I used to spend a lot of time planning a workshop. Being a member has meant I've been able to save time and deliver a better experience for my clients. As an independent project director, the workshops I'm called on to facilitate can be quite varied. I subscribed with two goals in mind -- saving prep time and making my events better for my clients. The resources on the site are well organized and definite time-savers, and between the training videos and Nick's one-on-one guidance, my clients are definitely getting a better experience.

Andres Marquez-Lara

Leadership & collaboration expert helping organizations tackle complex challenges in Latin America

While I have a lot of experience doing workshops and I have a framework, mine wasn't as comprehensive as Nick's. The way he really baked into it the sustainable elements of it has been helping me think about how to do that for my own. I also have access to other facilitation tools but I'm always looking for variations and new ones and I like having all of them systematized in one place.

Rachel Moore

Rachel L. Moore

Owner at Moore Productive LLC

Before joining, I used to develop all my workshop and team facilitation tools myself. And because I'm very picky about the way my work looks and the results it yields, I spent hours on each deck I prepared. As a member, I have access to tools and processes focused on all the key aspects of facilitation and team building that are ready to use and I can put my company logo on them. And I've found tools here that I didn't even know I needed. Everything I've used has yielded great results and saved me many hours of work! I've been a member of WorkshopBank since early after launch and I've seen the growth and the deep focus on customers. I know Nick will continue this growth and he continually surprises and delights his clients. Also, I've shared WorkshopBank with many of my colleagues and they've all loved it as much as I do. Don't hesitate! You'll be glad you joined.

Larae Pierson

Larae Pierson

Coach & Facilitator

I used to spend hours planning my workshops - I wanted the process to be JUST right and sometimes would get stuck in a spin. Being a member means I'm able to draw from more tools to enhance my client experience. Plus I feel like part of a great community of facilitators. The biggest benefit of membership for me is the instant support I received from Nick, and I love the overview index sheet that shows you exactly where you need to head for the outcome you want to achieve.

Peter Fulcher-Meredith

Peter Fulcher-Meredith

Before I joined the WorkshopBank I would spend forever searching for the right tools and process to help me facilitate my sessions - it was such a pain and such a waste of time. This membership now means I have everything I need at hand 1 click away and some extra bonuses I didn't expect but appreciate. Don't hesitate joining it is a win-win. You won't regret it for one moment - it's all there waiting for you. You just have to make a small investment and it's there forever.

Vanda Alexander

Vanda Alexander

CIPD Qualified HR Consultant

I have achieved so much new learning from your exciting tools. Thank you.

Debra Dubow

Debra Dubow

Team Excellence & Engagement Leader

I work with many leadership teams around the globe and I am always looking for new ideas to make them more effective. I find your material and site very useful.


Colin Danvers

Clear, simple and infinitely adaptable... thanks so much for sharing these incredibly useful resources for the benefit of so many.

Samuel Hill

District Manager at Sodexo

I used the Prioritization Matrix in a Global Sr Leader strategy session. The feedback was positively overwhelming and gave me visibility with these global leaders. I just followed the blueprint. Thank You - WorkshopBank!

Gill Cromhout

Gill Cromhout

Visual Facilitator, Coach, Trainer

I wanted to give you some positive feedback about your Think, Feel, Say, Do activity. I used it as an agenda setting exercise “live” in a group of 6 University Staff (Academics and Administrators). It worked brilliantly. I simply facilitated the process about their priorities, their preferred agenda, their preferred approach, roles and timeframes. The end result was that they felt extremely proud of their collaboration and co-creation as a team who had previously “been at war” with each other. So a huge thank you from me.

Imtiaz Hasan

Imtiaz Hasan

Leadership & Management Program Developer

The way you present your workshops makes it easy to implement and offer some great solutions to our learners/ teams and managers. Wonderful work. Thank you

Dr Pari Namazie

Dr Pari Namazie

Organizational & Leadership Development Coach and Facilitator

It is one of the best investments I have made, giving me access to a wide tried and tested facilitator's tool kit, excellent exercises, great customer/member support, plus new tools and resources being added frequently.

Terri Mashanda

Terri Mashanda

Senior Consultant

The uniqueness about WorkshopBank is Nick helps you from the start of your workshop to the end of it. There is a vast range of technical tools which are so helpful to any organisation wanting to improve their results. As a facilitator/trainer you will stand out from the rest.

Brian Nelson

Brian Nelson

Business Advisor - Revenue Development

The content you provide is nothing short of excellent. I’ve examined a lot of it and also bought membership for ongoing use.

Helen Croft

Helen Croft

Business and Sports Development Consultant

I used to spend a lot of time searching for facilitation tools. Trying to find the right content for workshops and transferring the information to powerpoint slides. Being a member means I'm able to find relevant and useful tools and techniques for my workshops which saves time and improves outcomes for my clients. When I have a challenging workshop I schedule a call with Nick who provides brilliant support, signposting me to the most suitable resources. The biggest benefit of membership for me is access to tools and techniques that help me to a better job for your clients. Access to insightful thinking and signposting to the right tools to help you do the job. Cutting edge resources and tools saving you time and enhancing your capability.

Jan Lelie

Jan Lelie

Transformation Expert at Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate

Before joining I had to combine several sources for information on facilitation and change management. Now I’m able to find detailed methods and techniques quickly, and in different formats. Being part of a growing community of professionals is a big advantage.

Marybeth Gregg

Marybeth Gregg

President at The Gregg Resource Group, LLC

I've been using your materials with great success over the past year and have been very impressed. When I saw the membership I knew it would be so valuable that I had to join!

Karyn Kagiyama

Karyn Kagiyama

Founder of Scale2Grow

You have done a fantastic job of creating high-quality, high value content that aligns with how I facilitate, saving me prep time. Keep it coming.

Anton de Leeuw

Anton de Leeuw

Managing Director at Salus Group Limited

Becoming a member gives me access to a complete online library of easy to adopt and brand templates and most importantly access to one-to-one sessions with Nick. What you see is true. What you read is true. Everything is laid out and works just as Nick describes and includes more information than I expected. Before joining I would question the source of information and concern myself with not having an oversight over all possible resources. I also concerned myself the approach was suitable for the industry.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson

Professional Development Coordinator at Appalachian State University

I have used your resources in my work with various departments, and they have always found the activities meaningful, which is why I decided to become a member. This is an awesome resource!

What's Inside?

Ready-made solutions proven to work

Knowing which processes work best takes time and experience but with this library you won't need to spend energy modifying a thing. Each process is categorized so you can quickly see which to use in each situation.

Free upgrades

You get all new tools added in the future at no extra charge.

Jargon free

All instructions are written using simple language that anyone can understand.

Perfect for beginners and experts alike

If you're new to workshops, use this library to shortcut the 20+ years of hit-and-miss experimentation I went through. If you're experienced, these resources will bring lots of new ideas to your repertoire.

Apply your logo & corporate identity

All resources are unbranded and editable so you can easily (& legally!) add your own logo, fonts and colors.

Complete set of 50+ workshop tools & activities

Each process comes with a training video, instructions and slides in Powerpoint, Apple Keynote and PDF formats.

Tools & activities to fit any purpose or situation

Quickly build workshops in process analysis, improving motivation, project management, team building, action planning, brainstorming, issue analysis, conflict resolution, creating a positive work environment, problem solving, stakeholder management + more

Easy to find library of processes in one place

Includes overview index sheet showing you exactly what you need for the outcome you want to achieve.

Brainstorm effectively with small and large groups

When people feel part of a team working towards a common goal, it improves morale and sense of belonging. Brainstorming sessions help to foster this sense of teamwork and collaboration.

Co-create strategies & plans with key stakeholders

When plans and strategies are co-created, everyone has the opportunity to contribute their ideas and perspectives. This leads to increased buy-in and commitment because everyone has a stake in its success.

Solve problems & achieve consensus on solutions

When people with different backgrounds, experiences, and areas of expertise work together to solve a problem, they bring a variety of perspectives to the table. This leads to more creative and effective solutions than if the problem was tackled alone.

Manage disruptors & resistors

Work effectively with uncooperative & dysfunctional people and turn them into your most influential advocates.

Workshops proven to work in any niche or industry

These processes are proven to work every niche, industry and sector (public, private and not-for-profit).

Rating: 4.96/5 (from 11,000+ members)

More Member Testimonials


Jane Bird

Customer Experience Manager

I don’t facilitate workshops very often so it’s great to find off the shelf tools that I can use without ‘reinventing the wheel!’ - great time saver!

Philippe Degrange

Philippe Degrange

Managing Partner at Asia Corporate Training

A facilitator is only good as the size of its tool box. And this is the reason why I join your site. Looking at new activities, models or way of doing things. Thanks for sharing.

Jenny Alleyne

Jenny Alleyne

National Safe and Secure Manager, Coop Food

The success of teams relies on collaborative problem solving especially in large organisations. Your workshops bring collective minds to solve a problem together or alternatively build rapport through cross functional thinking which is a win for me.

Faris Khalid

Lead Facilitator at DeveloPlay Consulting

I recently ran a couple of complex workshops to boost interdepartmental synergy and drew from some great ideas on your service. They were extremely helpful! Thank you for creating and maintaining WorkshopBank.

Steve Gulati

Steve Gulati

HR Consultant

This is really super stuff. I have found your materials both thought provoking and extremely practical, so I just wanted to share my thanks. People like you restore my faith in the human race!

Jim Massey

Jim Massey

Organisational Change Manager

I use your site a lot. It is a mine of useful information and thought provoking items.

Matthew Griffiths

Matthew Griffiths

Vistage Group Chariman

The reason I subscribed is I am always interested in learning new or becoming aware of existing practices that I could use in my coaching sessions.

Simon Kempston

Simon Kempston

Head of Supply Chain, Logistics & NDC Operations

I'm always looking for ways to make meetings more interesting and engaging and you have lots of great ideas on WorkshopBank.

Jan Ramsøy

Jan Ramsøy

Experienced L&D Trainer / Facilitator

I'm always looking for fun, fast and memorable exercises to alternate the learning experience for my participants.

Monisha Singh

Monisha Singh

Executive Coach | Trainer

The reason I joined was the comfort level I felt when I read you personally respond to all mails. As a facilitator and coach, it is a quality I abide by too. Also, I find your site very interesting and informative. There is much that I can look at learning and adding to my skill set. So thank you for making me a part of all of this.

Liam Donovan

Liam Donovan

Talent & Development Partner

I was looking for ways to enhance sessions we are running in my company and your site has given me some great ideas to improve sessions we run but also given us some sessions to use standalone.

Gillian McCready

Executive Coach at gemm

I am blown away by the content and your generosity

Jordi Berni

Jordi Berni

Product Owner

I facilitate different workshops with the team and have found running the same activities over and over results in demotivation and poor results. WorkshopBank helps prevent that from happening.

Kriss Wilson

Kriss Wilson

Small Business Adviser at Blackpool Council

I’ve been researching fresh ideas for delivering basic business workshops and I found your service. I’m hoping it will inspire me to develop some new ideas of my own.

Ezra Anajonu

Ezra Anajonu

Head of Resourcing and Workforce Planning at Lafarge Africa Plc

I subscribed to your service because you provide a one-stop shop for tools that L&D professionals can use. Thank you for the gift of the website.

Dr. Mohammad Barakat

Managing Partner at Blitz Design ME

What you publish on your website delivers academic value and is ready to use.

Preeti Jadhav

Preeti Jadhav

Project Lead

Your content is simply amazing. It's easy to comprehend and the best tool one can get without having to re-invent the wheel. You put it all together so well. This is one of the best teaching aids I have benefitted from.

Paul Kinkaid

Paul Kinkaid

Leadership & Learning Development Specialist

Many thanks for service you provide. I subscribed because I have, this year, set up my own Leadership Development and coaching company and so the tools that you have painstakingly put together are incredibly useful to assist in the development of my own company and the services I provide.

Iron Shabtai

Iron Shabtai

Senior Consultant & Problem Solver

We can always learn new things and especially from experienced consultants. Also, it's always great to have templates in hand for any need. The slides you sent seem to be very useful and practical.

Wayne Bonnefin

Wayne Bonnefin

Head of R&D

I manage a team of R&D professionals so finding new and interesting ways to effectively address team efficiencies, improve problem solving initiatives, and generally keep things fresh are welcome additions to our toolkit.

Pat O'Neill

Pat O'Neill

Senior Security Manager

I find your material thought provoking. I want to improve my capacity to engage my colleagues during workshops, as a significant part of my role involves facilitating work activities and influencing people beyond my functional area to engage with and do things that they would not normally do.

Beth Fredrick

Beth Fredrick

Executive Director

I love that your site is a one-stop shop AND that you connect exercises with what they might help achieve in terms of workshop objectives.

Rita Bailey

Rita Bailey

Leadership Coach , Facilitator & MBTI Certified Practitioner

Your activities give fresh ideas for designing group activities when I'm pushed for time. The slides can be a good base to refresh what I'm presenting already.

Irwin Hirsh

Irwin Hirsh

Head of Quality Governance

Two major points of interest. Time saving by using templates and leverage the flow of knowledge implied by the tools in the construction of trainings and workshops. Many thanks for your approach.

Karen Collier

Karen Collier

Senior Learning Consultant at Vertafore

Your materials are easy to use and prevent me from having to reinvent the wheel.

Michelle Hauer

Michelle Hauer

Human Resources Director