How Well Do We Know Each Other?

How Well Do We Know Each Other gets the group working together very quickly as well as having a few laughs. 

It's perfect if you are looking for an icebreaker for people who already know each other.

Participants have the opportunity to be a creative as well as show off about themselves.

WorkshopBank How Well Do We Know Each Other Icebreaker

Some cultures might find the showing off part a little off-putting (Denmark, I'm looking at you with your Jante Law) but don't we all need an opportunity to brag a little every now and then?

Personally I think it's good for the soul to open yourself up to being impressed by others achievements.

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  • check
    To have some fun at the beginning of a workshop session using creative icebreaker questions.
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    To raise the temperature and noise levels.
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    To get to each other better.
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    To develop some fun talking points that can be referred to during the rest of the event.

What is it?

  • An informal activity that gets a group working together very quickly.
  • Icebreaker questions are fun to do while at the same time enabling a group to get to know each other better and build relationships.
  • Non-threatening and not demanding – ideal for the reticent as well as the assertive.

When Would You Use It?

  • Ideal for situations where you are mobilizing a team and you want to quickly promote an informal, relaxed and open atmosphere that will be conducive to collaborative work.
  • It’s also suitable for teams that already know each other but where you are looking for a vehicle to enhance their collaboration, raise their interest or motivate them as a team.
  • Works best in small groups of between five and eight people though can work for larger groups but the time taken extends proportionately.

Are There Any Rules?

  • There’s an optional competitive element – be sure that all group members are happy to keep scores – otherwise delete the scoring element.

Resources Required

  • A willing group of people.
  • Post-it notes and marker pens for each participant (at least one each plus a few extra spares if required).
  • Tables and chairs.


  • 1
    The Facilitator asks the Participants to take three post-it notes and write three statements about themselves, things no-one here knows about you, of which only one is true, e.g.
  • When I was 14 I played a lot of tennis and once beat Roger Federer.
  • Most years I go away on holiday to the Caribbean.
  • In my spare time I’m a magician.
  • 2
    Each Participant takes it turns to present their three statements to the other team members at their table but do not reveal which is true/false.
  • 3
    The other Participants each have one vote to select which of your three statements they consider is true.
  • 4
    If they get it right, they score a point. If they don’t, then you get a point. Keep a record of your scores. The highest score wins!

Secret Sauce

  • It helps to place the three post-its on the table for consideration by the others.
  • Let everyone make their selection before revealing which are false – ending up with the true statement.
  • Ideally, all three statements should appear equally plausible to make the selections challenging!

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About the Author

Nick Martin helps leaders & consultants improve team results with resources, advice & coaching through

  • Ann says:

    Great article and some excellent tips. Thanks Nick.


  • Nick Martin says:

    Absolute pleasure Ann. Glad you liked it. Let me know how it goes when you use it 🙂

  • Used it! I separated the people in two groups and made them compete for points and gave the winner some candy… it was fun and a really good exercise to get to know each other a little bit more and a very good ice breaker!

  • Karen Lynch says:

    Though I already knew of this ice breaker, what I appreciate most is the format you used for this description … it’s an organized format for us to use as we stock our facilitator toolbox. Thank you!

    • Nick Martin says:

      Thanks for the feedback Karen and really glad you like the format. If you have any suggestions as to how to make it even better I’m all ears 🙂

  • JDee says:

    Modified to
    The Facilitator asks the Participants to take a post-it notes and write three statements about themselves of which one is false

    Redistribute post-it stickers

    Identify the person whose post-it sticker you holds by asking questions to participants who can only answer YES or NO

    If you found the person write the name of the person on the sticker – post-it to the ‘wall’

  • Ma. Teresa Habitan says:

    Thanks, Nick. This is a cool tool for getting to know people. How many participants is the optimum number to play this game before it becomes unwieldy and time consuming?

    • Nick Martin says:

      Hi Teresa. It works best with small groups of between 5 and 8 but you could stretch it to 10. As you have rightly pointed out time starts dragging when more than that play.

      • Julien de Windt says:

        Thanks for sending me the Prisoners’ Dilemma activity. It was of great use for me and my audience.

        By the way do you have an activity /exercise/ worksheet (roleplay, casestudy, questionnaire etc.) illustrating broken trust in a workplace.

        • Nick Martin says:

          Hi Julien … lots of the tools on here help build trust through active collaboration but other than Prisoner’s Dilemma I don’t think we have one that illustrates the importance of trust in the workplace … let me know if you find a good one.

  • Jonas says:

    Hi 🙂
    Do you think we can use your ideas to our company
    Thanks for your time

    • Nick Martin says:

      Hi Jonas. Sure go for it. I’m also local to you so if you’d like a coffee sometime to discuss further just ask!

  • Kalle says:

    Love one truth and two lies! Just by a little bit of gamification on a ice-breaker question can make all the difference. That’s actually what inspired me to start working on

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