When you interact with another person you are normally looking to influence them around to your way of thinking in some way.
This activity helps your team or participants grow by learning new powers of persuasion in a fun and creative environment.
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Download free slides... enter your email address at the bottom to get this team building activity in your inbox
Why Would You Use It?
Resources Required
- 1Ask the participants to form pairs. Triads or groups will work if needed, but one-on-one is best.
- 2Ask Person A to think of a great present Person B would want to receive, and vice versa. Be sure they don't tell the other person. The present could be for a birthday or holiday and something that would really help or benefit the person (see the Secret Sauce section for the reasons behind this step).
- 3Now ask the participants to think of a Terrible Present for the other person. It should be something they would not want to take, something that would be a burden, or something that would make them question the friendship. If this is difficult for participants, ask them to think of a present that’s completely opposite or extremely different than the great present they initially thought of. Again, don't reveal the present yet.
- 4Tell the participants that Person A has 1 minute to convince Person B to accept the Terrible Present. Ideally, they will use persuasive techniques and actually get commitment, not a forced "well, ok." The facilitator can give participants time to prepare their thoughts, or it can be done spontaneously.
- 5After 1 minute, have the participants switch roles so Person B is trying to persuade Person A to accept their present.
- 6Hold a plenary discussion using the questions on the separate slide.