Testimonials from our community

One of our values is to imagine that our real product is testimonials. With that mindset, everything we do becomes a means to that end. Our service exists merely to delight clients and get amazing results for them.

“I have used your resources in my work with various departments, and they have always found the activities meaningful, which is why I decided to become a member. This is an awesome resource!”

Emily Wilson Professional Development Coordinator at Appalachian State University

“I am so looking forward to being a member. I've been using your materials with great success over the past year and have been very impressed. When I saw the membership I knew it would be so valuable that I had to join!”

Marybeth Gregg President at The Gregg Resource Group, LLC

“The great thing about what you've done is put all these techniques in one place & curated them by topic, outcome & time. It's really helpful - thank you.”

Penelope Barr Senior Technology Manager

“You have done a fantastic job of creating high-quality, high value content that aligns with how I facilitate, saving me prep time. Keep it coming.”

Karyn Kagiyama Founder of Scale2Grow

“I truly appreciate your emails and wonderful tools you send along. Email marketing is a tough place and you have captured my attention each time. I actually look forward to your emails.”

Jivi Cheema Corporate Culture & Change Management Specialist

“I have achieved so much new learning from your exciting tools. Thank you.”

Vanda Alexander CIPD Qualified HR Consultant

“I don’t facilitate workshops very often so it’s great to find off the shelf tools that I can use without ‘reinventing the wheel!’ - great time saver!”

Jane Bird Customer Experience Manager

“Your content is simply amazing. It's easy to comprehend and the best tool one can get without having to re-invent the wheel. You put it all together so well. This is one of the best teaching aids I have benefitted from.”

Preeti Jadhav Project Lead

“A facilitator is only good as the size of its tool box. And this is the reason why I join your site. Looking at new activities, models or way of doing things. Thanks for sharing.”

Philippe Degrange Managing Partner at Asia Corporate Training

“Many thanks for service you provide. I subscribed because I have, this year, set up my own Leadership Development and coaching company and so the tools that you have painstakingly put together are incredibly useful to assist in the development of my own company and the services I provide.”

Paul Kinkaid Leadership & Learning Development Specialist

“The success of teams relies on collaborative problem solving especially in large organisations. Your workshops bring collective minds to solve a problem together or alternatively build rapport through cross functional thinking which is a win for me.”

Jenny Alleyne National Safe and Secure Manager, Coop Food

“We can always learn new things and especially from experienced consultants. Also, it's always great to have templates in hand for any need. The slides you sent seem to be very useful and practical.”

Iron Shabtai Senior Consultant & Problem Solver

“I get a lot of email and to be honest, a lot of it is rubbish. Day after day, your email provides me with tools that I can use straight away and get value from. I just wanted to say “Thanks”.”

John Platt Customer Happiness Manager

“This is really super stuff, I can't believe that you share it for free (but don't let that stop you!). I have found your materials both thought provoking and extremely practical, so I just wanted to share my thanks. People like you restore my faith in the human race!”

Steve Gulati HR Consultant

“Your site is one of the best sites for learning without any supervision.”

Musibau Dele Shittu Warehouse Manager

“I manage a team of R&D professionals so finding new and interesting ways to effectively address team efficiencies, improve problem solving initiatives, and generally keep things fresh are welcome additions to our toolkit.”

Wayne Bonnefin Head of R&D

“You have a great set of tools that I utilize. Your site helps those who improve other businesses and processes.”

JT Badiani Principal Consultant

“I find your material thought provoking. I want to improve my capacity to engage my colleagues during workshops, as a significant part of my role involves facilitating work activities and influencing people beyond my functional area to engage with and do things that they would not normally do.”

Pat O'Neill Senior Security Manager

“Having found your site I think I will be using it a lot. It is a mine of useful information and thought provoking items.”

Jim Massey Organisational Change Manager

“I love that your site is a one-stop shop AND that you connect exercises with what they might help achieve in terms of workshop objectives.”

Beth Fredrick Executive Director

“The reason I subscribed is I am always interested in learning new or becoming aware of existing practices that I could use in my coaching sessions.”

Matthew Griffiths Vistage Group Chariman

“I'm always looking for ways to make meetings more interesting and engaging and it appears that you have lots of great ideas on WorkshopBank.”

Simon Kempston Head of Supply Chain, Logistics & NDC Operations

“Your activities give fresh ideas for designing group activities when I'm pushed for time. The slides can be a good base to refresh what I'm presenting already.”

Rita Bailey Leadership Coach , Facilitator & MBTI Certified Practitioner

“I'm always looking for fun, fast and memorable exercises to alternate the learning experience for my participants.”

Jan Ramsøy Experienced L&D Trainer / Facilitator

“I subscribed as your products give access to ready made tools that have been tried and tested, cover a wide variety of topics, are done in an engaging way and there is an added bonus that you follow up and send me new material……. Which enables be to learn new approaches…..”

Rebecca Southern Senior HR Partner

“Two major points of interest. Time saving by using templates and leverage the flow of knowledge implied by the tools in the construction of trainings and workshops. Many thanks for you open access approach.”

Irwin Hirsh Head of Quality Governance

“The reason I joined was the comfort level I felt when I read you personally respond to all mails. As a facilitator and coach, it is a quality I abide by too. Also, I find your site very interesting and informative. There is much that I can look at learning and adding to my skill set. So thank you for making me a part of all of this.”

Monisha Singh Executive Coach | Trainer

“Your materials are easy to use and prevent me from having to reinvent the wheel.”

Karen Collier Senior Learning Consultant at Vertafore

“I was looking for ways to enhance sessions we are running in my company and your site has given me some great ideas to improve sessions we run but also given us some sessions to use standalone.”

Liam Donovan Talent & Development Partner

“I appreciate the work you do and the fact that you provide these resources at no charge. For a department of one it makes my job so much easier having a resource that I can tap into.”

Michelle Hauer Human Resources Director

“I have just discovered your website and am blown away by the content and your generosity”

Gillian McCready Executive Coach at gemm

“I facilitate different workshops with the team and have found running the same activities over and over results in demotivation and poor results. WorkshopBank helps prevent that from happening.”

Jordi Berni Product Owner

“I found your website through a search on stakeholder mapping. I'm planning a workshop on website planning and was looking for ideas on how to incorporate stakeholder analysis into the content/design. Once there, I found many interesting things!”

Birgitta von Krosigk Organization Development Consultant

“I’ve been researching fresh ideas for delivering basic business workshops and I found your website. I’m hoping they will inspire me to develop some new ideas of my own.”

Kriss Wilson Small Business Adviser at Blackpool Council

“It is always a pleasure to receive your emails, as it invites me to question myself on the way I deliver my own training and workshops.”

Frantz Buchot Managing Director of Inner Action

“Thanks for your generous and helpful team ideas. I work with many leadership teams around the globe and I am always looking for new ideas to make them more effective. I found your material and site very useful.”

Debra Dubow Team Excellence & Engagement Leader

“I subscribed to your website because you provide a one-stop shop for tools that L&D professionals can use. Thank you for the gift of the website.”

Ezra Anajonu Head of Resourcing and Workforce Planning at Lafarge Africa Plc

“Your content adds value to my training as I am the Head of L&D for a renowned group of hospitals in eastern India. I learn and get new insights into subjects like Conflict Management, Team Building, Decision Making and Leadership Development”

Alan Goodwin Head of Learning and Development at C K Birla Hospitals

“What you publish on your website delivers academic value and is ready to use.”

Dr. Mohammad Barakat Managing Partner at Blitz Design ME

“Your materials provide neat writing explanations of approaches I use. It is handy to have the step-by-step instructions.”

Rozanne Chorlton Independent Consultant

“I'm always keen to find alternative methods to do things as well as helping me to think differently.”

Hayley Clifford

“During my work as facilitator, sometimes I get stuck in my old forms and methods. It's always nice to get out of the comfort zone and see new ideas from how others do thing.”

Maha Khallaf Senior Technical Advisor

“I love the generosity of sharing WorkshopBank's highly designed and well developed templates / methods.”

Julia Goga-Cooke Chief Creative Officer Gconsultancy Innovation

“I love your content – it helps me as a manager who has to work with other teams / stakeholders by giving me a structure of how to communicate by allowing them to think of ideas etc. themselves.”

Sarah Roberson Manager of Functional Management at ANWB

“I lead workshops and “interventions” in the niche area of “systems thinking” so am always on the lookout for things I can use and adapt to change the way people think about work.”

Chris Whitehouse Change Manager

“WorkshopBank is a great resource for tasks/icebreakers when I'm building training days.”

Caff Allen Retail Trainer

“The downloads have been very useful for finding useful assets for designing and supporting workshops/conferences and consulting/training interventions.”

Steve Bather Executive Director at MeetingSphere

“I host workshops every week and am constantly looking for new and wonderful content. WorkshopBank was exactly what I was looking for.”

Wendy Capri Mental Health and Wellness Educator & Trainer

“I appreciate getting new workshop methods easily and quickly explained including material to download.”

Nikolaus Ess Senior Director Product Management at Zumtobel

“Love your tools. They are inspiring and practical. Thank you for sharing.”

Celeste Brito Change, Organization and Leadership Consultant

“Sometimes the time constraints are quite tight, and I need a wonderful activity, and quite frankly, don’t have the time to create that AND build-out the Learning / Training components. Your excellent materials help me a lot.”

Lore Lapinsky Organization Development Director

“You can help me because it's going to be my first time to present and I thought a team building activity will be great to break the routine and at the same time have some fun.”

Latifa Raounaq Professor & Administrator at the American Language Center

“A really useful site with different techniques presented in an easy to use format.”

Dennis Major Independent L&D / OD Consultant

“Your website is invaluable for us trainer/facilitators who need someone or somewhere to kickstart ideas for workshops”

Faris Khalid Lead Facilitator at DeveloPlay Consulting

“I use WorkshopBank to learn more about how to make the team more cohesive and techniques that can help me achieve that goal”

Yani Brown Business Analyst at eBay

“I don't get bombarded with emails selling stuff I don't want or need”

Sara Brittlegill

“I like to use WorkshopBank to pick up interactive activities, exercises and design ideas that add to engagement levels in the groups I work with.”

Jim Phelan Recently retired - Executive Director at Merck & Co

“Your site is useful and interesting and I hope to learn new tools and techniques to use in my facilitation”

Joyce Matthews Leadership Development Specialist

“Training events are made rich when there is lots of hands-on activity among the participants. WorkshopBank contains resources on how to keep participants active and I must say I am learning quite a lot from you.”

Alfred Kapeleta Managing Consultant at Beak Consulting

“I use WorkshopBank as I am continuously looking for fresh input to organize workshops, facilitate results oriented meetings”

Nicole Michelbach Head of Global Planning and Board Relations at Fairtrade International

“I use WorkshopBank to update myself on activities & techniques when enabling people to bring about positive change in their place of work.”

Ryan Cruz Consultant at First Pacific Leadership Academy

“I use WorkshopBank to get inspiration & insight when I design events / interventions for clients. I immediately knew the quality of the contribution - and I haven’t been disappointed.”

Dr Stephen Hopkins Independent Education Consultant

“I have adapted the Prioritization Matrix as part of our planning workshop that is coming up next week. It is exactly the sort of tool I was looking for, to help our group prioritise over 50 different projects.”

Deborah Wright Librarian, Quality and Offshore Services, RMIT University Library

“I teach online and in person courses for advanced medical trainees. I came across your site while preparing an online module about team science. Your materials and tips have been very useful.”

Leslie Hausmann Assistant Professor of Medicine at University of Pittsburgh

“I subscribed to your site because I regularly hold workshops with management teams (and others) on various topics and hoped to get inspiration. Which I get! :-)”

Lars Lundberg CEO at iMaker AB

“Your material is clean, simple to follow, relevant, and well-laid out. It is hard to find plug-and-play content that is useful and easy to integrate into virtually any program. Great job WorkshopBank!”

Craig Bryan MBA, BSM, RN, CFRN, CEN, FP-C Certified Leadership Coach, Behavior Consultant

“I am a young trainer hoping to learn more techniques and knowledge, and your e-mails are more than beneficial to be honest.”

Omar Mosalam

“I've signed up because part of my role as an EOD officer in the organization is to be able to work with teams in various types of interventions from teambuilding, strategic discussions, and everything in between. Your tips, tools and experience are very helpful as I try to learn. I have not had any formal training in this area having worked in Operations Management for the longest time. So I continue to learn. Having access to more learned minds is always helpful!”

John Luis Michael Moro eXperience Design Manager, Lexmark Research and Development Corporation

“I use your workshop material to help me better unravel my stakeholder needs & join the dots across their team, to then translate these into programmes that deliver actionable insights.”

Paul Tovey Insight & Market Research Manager, AIG Property Casualty